Sunday, April 5, 2009

Admin in the trenches 2.0 style

Yvonne Barrett (St Dominic's International School, Portugal) has asked permission to show this blog at an ECIS Administrator conference in a few weeks. I am thrilled that this type of Professional Development might get recognized as valid. Yvonne is posing questions like this to the Administrators:
As administrators, are you encouraging the creative professionalism of your librarians and teaching staff? Are you too being seen as lifelong learners, and participating in these professional development opportunities with your staff, and adapting these tools, strategies and skills in your own practices?
Here at ISB, we see our own Administration team go on several Professional Development courses each year, but we should really appreciate that our Lower School Principal, Tim Moynihan, got in the trenches alongside teachers, specialists, and assistants on this 9 week long PD. Thanks for the time and effort Tim!


  1. Tim certainly leads by example; in sooo many different ways! Thanks!

  2. Not only Tim, but all the 23ers have done a fantastic job of keeping on top of this initiative. Maybe we could encourage the few that didn't make it this far to take another stab at it. This blog will always be here and therefore remains a learning resource.

  3. Yes - it will be left up and Paul and I will continue to add "things" beyond the 23.

    I am all for online PD - but there is a lot to be said about a "community" experience.

    The momentum, support, and discussion going through this together can't quite be achieved if individuals go it alone.

    I would recommend this program be done with a group and force yourselves to hit deadlines.
